
The beauty of community.

This term and concept is thrown around a lot, especially in Christian circles. We are always “looking” for community or say things like “they just don’t have community” or “they just have the best community.” So I looked up what the word community means and you wanna know what one of the definitions said?

A feeling of fellowship with others

So if this is, in fact, the actual definition. This feeling of fellowship could be fluid and more specifically transcendental. In saying all of this, I want to try something new. I want to use this platform of a blog to create a form of community or even fellowship. I have asked and am continuing to ask many men and women to help me in this task. I want to pull from a network of missionaries across the world and hear their stories, struggles, joys, hurts, cares, and simple life lessons they have walked through. I am starting a series called


You, my dear friend, are not alone. We weren’t meant to cry alone and we weren’t meant to laugh alone. We were meant to walk hand in hand in our pursuit towards Jesus. My intention of this series is hopefully for you to see that you are not alone and that we are fighting together. We are fighting the lies of this world and the enemy that so often tries to skew our vision of what is true. What we are not fighting for is love and freedom – for we already have them in Christ. I want to remind you of this truth. As a Christian.

You. Have. Already. Won.

He has already won and he will continue to create victory in you. Each person that will goes appearing on this blog will come with the intention to say

dear believer we have hope.

The first of our guests will be posted in the next few weeks and will continue from there with people of different ages, genders, topics, and walks of life. But the one thing they will all have in common is their goal:

To glorify the name of Jesus and to pursue Him with every ounce of us that we have.

Join me? We weren’t meant to do this alone.

The Harrington Post


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