
I am beyond excited to introduce this weeks publication of WE, Singleness written by one of my dear friends who had a huge impact on me during my time in Montreal. Vivienne is wise beyond her years. She is currently getting her Phd in Materials Engineering at McGill University. I am blown away at her dedication to knowing and understanding truth. She is a sensitive friend that is always looking for ways to serve those around her. I have seen and experienced Vivienne wrestle through this concept of singleness, and I have watched her continuously choose to use all things for good and for the glory of God. She also has a blog that is INCREDIBLE and I would strongly recommend checking it out:

A little about Viv:

Enneagram type- 2w3

Favorite side dish- seaweed salad or kimchi (plus the majority of side dishes you’d find at a Korean restaurant)

Power outfit- Crop top with high-waisted chiffon skirt

Favorite word right now- Whole (and ‘whole heart’ if I was allowed a phrase + song to go with it)

Chris or Liam Hemsworth- Chris, probably due to Liam’s underwhelming performance in “This is romantic”

Favorite Sports team- I don’t watch sports, sadly. But my fav sport to play is tennis, if that helps 🙂


I was wearing my alternate prom dress that night, a dark navy strapless with large floral ruffles on the bodice and a chiffon skirt that brushed the floor. It had hung in the recesses of my closet, waiting for an occasion grand enough to be worn.

And now under this cathedral ceiling carved with floral patterns, seated at a long draped table with plates of filet mignon medallions, it seemed like this was the occasion.

Eating club formals were an event to behold in Princeton and even though I was part of a grungy vegan food cooperative, two of my best friends were members at this particular eating club and had invited me to formals.

So, I had dug out the most formal dress I had and talked my roommate into applying my eyeliner for me (yeah, I was 20 and still had never applied my own for fear of poking my eye).

Now, I was sitting at a long table of strangers, across from the only two people I knew at the event, who also had just begun dating a few weeks back.

She was giggling at some inside joke he had whispered in her ear. He was probably thinking of more funny things to say to impress her, I imagine.

I stared back down at my medallion of crusty brown striped with raw pink, trying to focus on my current task of meticulously dividing it into equally sized pieces with my small, serrated knife.

He speared a baby carrot with his fork, taking a bite before feeding the rest to her.

It was as if the two of them had walked over this invisible bridge to a far-off island while I remained on the mainland, observing them through a set of binoculars.

The perfectly manicured foot of white tablecloth between us a yawning gulf of ocean.

“I’m going to the bathroom, be right back,” I excused myself from the table, holding it in long enough to make it to the powder room where I promptly collapsed in a heap of navy chiffon and heaving sobs, my eyeliner now smeared and running.

Feeling dumb for having dressed up and put on eyeliner for this. Confused as to how I ended up here on the floor in sparkly high heels and a pile of chiffon, crying.

Too tired of holding it together to even care. 

On a normal, day-to-day basis, singleness is fine. I don’t think about it very much, nor do I think there’s much to gripe about. I get to decide when I wake up, how I eat, whether I should go out for a movie with my friends tonight or not.

I’ve heard many sermons on singleness (“appreciate your singleness! Jesus and Paul were single!”) and I know all the right ways to think about it, having preached many of them to myself (hence, my post in August 2017).

In fact, looking back, I think I actually despise the state of infatuation in my teenage years, when my judgment is obscured and I became some sort of obsessive fangirl, you know the ones who hold up posters plastered with pictures of celebrities they probably will never even have one conversation with. Please, never take me back there.

But, there are moments. Like me on formal night in my navy blue prom dress.

Moments when I remember that night and wonder if that’ll be me at the years of wedding receptions to come, sitting across from friends who used to hang out with me on the mainland but have since crossed over the invisible bridge.

If you’re single, and you have those moments, I want to tell you that it’s okay.

I think too often, we don’t allow ourself to feel, because we think it’s weakness.

I’m not saying we should descend into self-pity (quoting John Piper: self-pity is the response of pride to suffering), but that the Bible is a book full of emotions.

Having a certain emotional response is not ungodly, but it’s how we let those emotions that come and go with each season of life shape us as people.

Do we let the longing for a companion become the junk food we mindlessly nibble on when it should be driving us to the source of the longing – the desire to ultimately become united with Jesus as His bride?

Do we let unfulfilled longings fester bitterness in our hearts towards those who are not in this season of singleness or do we let it drive us into seeking the contentment Paul was speaking of in Philippians 4:11-12?

  “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.”

I think one of the greatest challenges we face, no matter what season of life we are in, is to accept our portion in life (Ecclesiastes 5:19). We think of how we want to move on to the next season, achieve the next big milestone.

“Everyone also to whom God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toil—this is the gift of God.”

But if there’s anything I’m learning from the PhD, it’s that the real joy is in the process and not the finished product.

People tell me that finishing their 6-year PhD is quite anti-climatic. The satisfaction is not in the freshly-printed thesis, but rather in the journey it took to get there.

The advice – you’re not in it for the thesis. You’re in it for this. The everyday mundane of reading papers, analyzing data, doing experiments and hoping you learn one new thing – this is the PhD.

In the same way, there is beauty in the singleness that is not to be rushed by just so that we can “get on” to the next stage.

I was reading Carolyn McCulley on the metro coming home when a phrase stopped me short:

We are single because that’s God’s will for us right now. 

Not single because I’m doing something wrong, or not meeting the right people, or at the wrong church. But simply because that’s what God wants for me right now.

Elizabeth Elliot says it this way:

“If you are single today, the portion assigned to you for TODAY is singleness. It is God’s gift.”

Singleness ought not to be viewed as a problem, nor marriage as a right. God in His wisdom and love grants either as a gift. An unmarried person has the gift of singleness, not to be confused with the gift of celibacy.

When we speak of the ‘gift of celibacy’, we usually refer to one who is bound by vows not to marry. If you are not so bound, what may be your portion tomorrow is not your business today. Today’s business is trust in the living God who precisely measures out, day by day, each one’s portion.


So, it is to the God who holds our tomorrow that we entrust our lives, knowing that we are only responsible for today and our now.

And if it so happens, that singleness is my now, then I’m going to live it faithfully for as many moments, months, or years that I need to –

until that day when Jesus will come for His glorious bride and we will be forever with Him in the union that marriage can only dimly represent.


The Harrington Post

Seeking Living Water

This weeks edition of WE is written by my dear friend and past roommate Landry! Landry is currently traveling the world (literally) on a year long mission trip called the World Race. She has recently just been promoted to Squad Leader of her group and is stationed in Jordan. I have had the gift and privilege of living in such close quarters with this gal and man her passion is CONTAGIOUS. She is lively and deep in all that she does. I have seen her wrestle, process, and live out exactly what she has written. She is dedicated and open to sit, listen, and hear how the Lord is gently stirring in her life. Now here comes the good stuff:


Answer the following questions:

Enneagram type- 4

Favorite side dish- popcorn popped on the stove with a lotta salt. I have it at least once a day

Power outfit- In America: Mom jeans & adidas & jean jacket

                   On the World Race: jandles, jeans, the same striped shirt i’ve worn for the past 3 months, & my favorite flannel

Favorite word right now- Anointed

Chris or Liam Hemsworth- Liam

Favorite Sports team- Arkansas Razorbacks till the day i die #wps


Seeking Living Water – Intimacy with God

        She was walking to get water when she met Jesus. Heart as empty as the jug she carried, she fought the heat of the day in order to avoid the neighborhood eyes full of judgment. She saw Him standing there alone by the well. His eyes were different. With a steady voice He asked, “Please, give me a drink.” She? A woman of Samaria give a Jew a drink? Unheard of. With great authority He said “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” She looked around searching for His bucket, but it was nowhere to be found. Confused she asked, “But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket, & this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water?” With kind eyes and a gentle smile He replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty, but those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” She had never heard of such a thing, but something inside of her knew she needed this water, she knew it contained all of the things she’s been searching so long for. With great urgency she exclaimed, “Sir, give me this water so that I will never be thirsty again!” His face softened and He commanded “Go, get your husband.” Her cheeks flushed as she looked down, ashamed, but something about His eyes made her want to tell the truth. She kept her eyes on the ground as she replied, “I don’t have a husband.” He gently responded, “You’re right. You don’t have a husband—for you have had five husbands, and you aren’t married to the man you live with now. What you have said is true.” Eyes wide, she gasped. The truth stung, but He didn’t look down on her with contempt, rather with great affection & kindness. “Sir, you must be a prophet!’ How else would He have known the parts of her that she was most ashamed of? She’d heard about the God of the Jews, fascinated, she’d always desired to know more & she knew this man had answers. “Why is it that our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship?” Staring right into her eyes He said, “Dear woman, believe me, the time is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You Samaritans know very little about the one you worship; we Jews know all about Him, for salvation is from the Jews. But the time is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is looking for those to worship Him in that way.” Not fully understanding what He meant she shook her head, “I know the Messiah is coming—the one who’s called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” He smiled at her and with divine authority He claimed, “I am the Messiah.” She felt her heart stop as His words soaked in. She understood and she knew they were true. She knew that she was standing face to face with the Savior of the world and that not once did He rebuke her, not once did He scorn her. No, He saw every part of who she was and He accepted her. He accepted her & told her she was now welcome to worship His Father. Heart full and unashamed she ran back to the village to tell anyone who would listen, but she left her empty jug behind, for she knew she would never be thirsty again.


This past year of my life I have felt like that woman more times than I can count.

I have felt her emptiness; the desperate need to feel fulfilled & believing it will come from the men around me.

I have felt her shame; the shame that only comes from giving in to desires that just lead to disappointment & guilt.

I have felt her loneliness; wanting so desperately to be fully seen & known.

We were the same. Searching for intimacy in all of the wrong places & coming up empty every time.

& then I heard it. That gentle whisper that said, “Give up control. Give up control & lean in to me. Trust me. Trust me in my gentleness. Acknowledge me in all of your ways. Seek me & find me, for I know you. I see you. I created you & I love you.”

We are human beings designed for intimacy. Some of our deepest desires are to be fully known & loved. By no means is that wrong, in fact, it’s exactly what God wants for us. Like the woman at the well, who so desired to be fulfilled through intimacy, but, she didn’t know who made her, who called her daughter, & who had the capability of filling her heart up with living water, until she was staring at Him face to face. Kim Vollendorf says, God has placed within us a desire for oneness & intimacy so it will push us towards Him. There is no person that will fill that need to be known like He can.”

The hard part is when He feels silent. That’s tough. I start second guessing things & running in all of the wrong directions. But you know what? I’ve found that when the Lord seems “silent,” He’s just whispering, beckoning you closer so you’ll draw near to Him.

Sometimes you have to look for Him. This isn’t because He’s unfair. It’s not because He’s disappointed or angry with you. It’s so that when you seek Him & find Him, you experience the joy of coming home, the joy of finding that He can give what others cannot, the joy in realizing that He will be the one to clean up the mess you made & He will not view you any differently for it because He just wants His child home.


But we must seek Him to get there &, my friend, there is so much joy to be had in the seeking. For, to seek Him is to know Him.

The more we get to know our Father the more we find out just how much He knows us.

Just like the woman at the well. Jesus knew her. He knew her searching & her longing. He knew her brokenness & her emptiness.

God created us. He knows everything about His daughters & His sons. He knows about your craving for Chick-fil-a & He knows about the deepest desires of your heart.

He wants to fulfill those desires & He wants to be known by you too. Because, how could we ever find fulfillment or intimacy by someone we know so little about?

He is already as intimate as possible with you, now it’s your turn.

He wants you to know Him. Like really know Him. He wants you to ask Him questions about who He is, what He delights in, what His attributes are & how that is reflected into the world around you.


So, worship Him! Declare, out loud, who He is to you today, in this exact moment. Even when you don’t feel it. Meditate on a Psalm. Watercolor. Go on a drive & praise Him in the car. Do it all for Him, because we are ultimately here on this Earth to do exactly that.

Dig into His Word. Eat it up. Ask Him to stir up a renewed passion & joy for His Truth because, I promise you, He’ll do it & you won’t be able to put the thing down! His promises can be found on every page, so look for them, ask Him what they say about who He is, & repeat them to yourself over & over again.

Sit with Him. Be vulnerable in your confessions, bringing everything to light, for where there is light there is healing. Lay all of your desires & all of your confusing feelings at His feet. Ask Him the hard questions & wait for His answers. He wants to teach you, He wants to guide you, & He wants to fulfill you.

&, please, don’t forget to give yourself grace, for the Lord has already covered you with it. A sweet teammate of mine encouraged me to stop fearing my messiness & living in shame. She said that “when we view our valleys & the places we have been, God invites us to smile at where He’s taken us from.” There is so much more joy when we walk in this freedom rather than sit in the guilt from our mistakes.

So friend, I pray that you hit your knees & give Him every part of your life because He so deeply wants it. I pray that you run after Him for He is waiting for you! I pray that you let your Hallelujahs be wholehearted as you bask in His grace. I pray that you seek Him & find Him for there are endless things to discover & when you discover those things I pray it fulfills you in a way you have never known. I pray that, as He tells you who He is, you may drink the living water He offers you so that you may never thirst again.

A Woman Caught – Penny and Sparrow

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset


I Tell My Soul Again

Abraham went. The story of this Bible hero is common to many believers when discussing characters in this narrative. God called Abraham to go to a foreign land that God promised to show him. His life was characterized by moving from place to place to place, because God called him there. Back when the Lord called us to move to Montreal, Hebrews 11 was a huge landmark moment in the peace I experienced in our decision to move up here. 

“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.” Hebrews 11:8-10

This was a confirmation of things to come for Jay and me in our ministry here. I was confident in our commitment to moving and was eager to begin working. Although we experienced minor challenges, Jay and I began to fall in love with the city, the culture, and the people here. The mission was big and the possibilities seemed to be endless.

Until something changed.

Jay sat me down one evening and expressed that he had been feeling a twinge of desire to be in the corporate world. At first this was shocking, but he expressed that it was coming from a place of wanting to do further kingdom work. The idea of being in an atmosphere with the opportunity to love all types of people well, believer and non, with a direct connection to live out the gospel and evangelize to coworkers was something that he could not shake.

I was shaken as well.

I instantly shut it down by simply assuming that it was just thoughts and feelings that would go away. But they did not. If anything they became stronger. I was confused and throwing questions at God as Jay began to pursue other jobs first in Montreal, but then in other places when work permit problems arose. I didn’t understand why God would call us here to then change our hearts to something completely different in such a short amount of time. Through the confusion, I was spending time with the Lord one day when I was lead to re-read Hebrews 11 again. The all-familiar verse I read earlier stung to read this time, until another verse caught my attention. It was the last part of the section and it read,

“And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.” Hebrews 11: 39-40

My identity was shaken in a way I hadn’t even realized I had let it get to. I had set up expectations, even requirements, for God calling us to Montreal. If we were to so “inconveniently” move to a foreign land, God had to show up and allow us to move mountains and make a name for ourselves here. I felt God ask me one of the hardest questions I had ever heard.

        If I called you here for a short time, where you may never see the fruit of your work, would simply doing this in my name be enough?

During the past couple months, we have prayed, reasoned, sought council, conferred with ministry partners both here and back home. We have learned a lot and grown for the better in this. There are still many unknowns, confusion, and much exercising of faith daily. But we can now confidently say, God has confirmed through several experiences that we are now called to pick up and move our family of two to Chicago. It is a happy heavy feeling that we are walking with right now. Jay has taken a corporate position at Yelp and I am seeking to work at a church or nonprofit in the area, so that we can have one foot in both the corporate world and the ministry world. We have a special place in our hearts for the people of Quebec and ask that you would join us in continuing to pray for them. We next ask that you would pray for Jay and I as we make the move to Chicago.

I tell my soul again, you are Lord of all. It is a daily, even sometimes hourly choice that I have to remind myself that my God is in control and that not only are his ways higher than our ways, but that they are for our good. I hope each of you that read this are encouraged and reminded that it is okay to not understand when life is pressing, hard, or simply doesn’t make sense. As I read the Word and study the characters of the Bible, I am reminded that their lives were messy, complicated, broken, and at times painful. The gospel is this, that through death we experience life and even in the simplest comparison, sometimes we have to experience the passing of one dream to see another that is new and greater come to life. He is good and he is worthy of our lives entirely. Tell your souls again of this today, tomorrow, and forevermore.


Comparison Through the Creator’s Eyes


This weeks section is written by my sweet sister Maci! She is currently in high school and a constant reminder of 1 Timothy 4:12. Despite her age, she is constantly showing me that the Holy Spirit can use anyone and everyone to speak words of wisdom into dark places. Her pursuit of Jesus is alive and contagious. Her passion is limitless as I have watched her expel and reject any fear or lie that may come up. Her words are drenched with truth and compassion and I am humbled to be able to share them with you all! So here I now present her blog post to you:


Enneagram type- type 6

Favorite side dish- mashed potatoes (gotta love carbs)

Power outfit- i take the comfortable route with sport shorts, tennis shoes, oversized long-sleeve shirt

Favorite word right now- courage

Chris or Liam Hemsworth- chris hemsworth

Favorite Sports team- Lpa eagles soccer team !


Comparison Through the Creator’s Eyes

        As I glanced at the faces of those around me, the phrases, “you’ll never be like us,” “you’ll never look like me,” “you’ll never come close to what I have,” came out of their mouths, or so I thought. See, these phrases have never verbally been said to me, but I picture it. Daily, I would put myself on a lower level, feeling insecure. Never is a strong word, sadly used to compare ourselves. The definition of comparison is a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people. Humans focus majority of their lives studying other people. By performing this act, we usually end up feeling worthless. Our selfish nature makes up false ideas in our head, leaving us with no hope. Our everyday is consumed with meaningless questions as to why we don’t look a certain way, live a different lifestyle, or possess wonderful talents others have achieved. Personally, I have been guilty of these feelings many times. For a while, the question “am I enough?” pounded my head every single day. It began to consume my mind until one day it burst. God so clearly spoke,

        “Maci, you are enough for ME. I died on the cross for YOU. I created YOU to be exactly who you are. Why are you doubting me?”

As tears slowly streamed down my face, I couldn’t help but realize how selfish my thoughts had become. GOD, the creator of the universe, who breathed life from nothing, knows me. He knitted every single one of us together. Why do we doubt Him by comparing ourselves to others? 1 Corinthians 139:13-14,

        “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

He completely made us all exactly how He wanted us and He absolutely adores us. This world will forever be filled with hurt and judgment, but people need to STOP comparing themselves to others and START comparing themselves to Jesus. What is the benefit of changing ourselves to be more like someone who is imperfect when we should take after the one who is completely perfect. When God sees us altering ourselves to model after Him, He is undeniably delighted. Comparison is a dreadful word used today to create harm and heartbreak. However, God intended it to be used as a wholesome way to look to Him alone. He anticipated for us to strive for a life worth living because of Him. When we whole-heartedly focus on the gifts God has given us and use them intentionally for His glory, He will give us the desires of our hearts. I’m not going to lie and explain how once we fully commit ourselves to the Lord, we won’t struggle with comparison. HOWEVER, we need to take heart, knowing the tests we come upon can be overcome. James 1:2-4,

        “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

The only way to truly not focus on ourselves or what others may think, is by intentionally pursuing the Lord. Jeremiah 29:13,

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

 Live a life striving to be more like the creator and remember, you are ALWAYS enough.


Making Time for Quiet

Today we get to hear from my great friend Danielle Martinez! Danielle is the most constant friend, encourager, and challenger I have ever met. She is a detailed person who cares deeply about others. One of her greatest qualities is being open and transparent in her friendship. She is always seeking ways that she can grow and learn. I am inspired by her attentiveness to how the people in her life are wired and feel the most loved. So finally, presenting her words on the realities of quiet times:

Answer the following questions:

Enneagram type- 2 (Madi claims I’m a strong 6, but I’ve taken the test 10 times)

Favorite side dish- Fries. Fries. Fries.

Power outfit- jeans straight out of the dryer, old navy tee, slides

Favorite word right now- N/A

Chris or Liam Hemsworth- liam

Favorite Sports team- razorbacks, woo pig forever

Making Time for Quiet

Okay, let’s get real, we see the “latte, bible, journal and highlighter” picture probably once or twice a day on Instagram. It may even convict us for a hot second, but in our own reality this happens once or a twice a month, maybe once or twice a week on a good week, and maybe….it hasn’t even happened once in the past few months.

We all have peaks and valleys when it comes to spending time in the Word, and to be completely honest, I’m climbing up a valley as we speak. It’s so easy to get trapped in the busyness of work, school, social life, rest and technology, but to be able to truly stay afloat in life, we need at least a few minutes a day in scripture, if not more.

Oh, and not only is it easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, it’s also easy to get caught up in the comparison of OTHERS’ quiet times! But people, your quiet time is not going to look the same as your roommate’s, sister’s, mentor’s or best friend’s. Trust me I have been there- you are scrolling on social media and you see someone post scripture or their current Bible study of the month, and it guilts you to think “I need to be more like her,” but that’s not the right mindset either. Your time with Jesus needs to be just that…YOUR TIME WITH JESUS! He is teaching you and using you in ways that reflect your season of life, your passions and your dreams. Focus on what the Lord is teaching you instead focusing on what He is teaching others or how they are being used. It’s awesome to have community so that you can grow and learn together through talking about how the Lord is working in your lives, but community was not created for comparison.

Next, reflect on WHY you are spending time in the Word. Is it to please someone else, is it to have biblical knowledge, is it to check it off your to-do list, or is it so you can truly know your Savior better? We need to have a desire to know the man that turned water into wine, cured sickness, and ultimately gave up his life for you! Spend time in scripture so that you can know and understand your Jesus on a deeper level!

So, what idol is holding you back? Mine, you ask? Sleep and escape. Escape is when we choose to numb ourselves from the reality of life. For example, my day at work or school was long and stressful so I immediately crawl into bed and binge watch Grey’s Anatomy. Watching netflix isn’t wrong, but when choosing to use it to escape a rough day, it becomes an idol. I tend to escape for hours on my phone or computer and be completely unproductive rather than digging into scripture, and this is how I personally let my idols overstep my own Jesus. But friends, we have to fight against these idols that keep us from glorifying and worshipping Him. The more we focus on studying His character, the more drawn we will be to continue learning and becoming more like Jesus himself.

Growing in your quiet time is going to take time, practice, and grace upon grace! You may change up studies a few times while you figure out what kind of style fits best for you. And your style may change depending on your season. Find what works best for you! Find accountability and create a set time everyday so you can create a habit and keep track of what the Lord is teaching you. Sometimes it will be hard to see the fruit of what you are learning or to have a chance to apply it, but He always has a reason for what He is teaching. It may be applicable to a friend in class or it may not be applicable in your life until seven months down the road, but He has a purpose. So stick with it, give yourself grace when you miss a day, and trust the process.

So let’s look at some different study options:


Inductive study

Time it takes per sit down: 30-45 min

Time it takes to finish: 2-6 months, depending on which book you are studying and how many chapters there are. I did 4 chapters in 2 months, for example.

Season of life it’s good for: Desire to dig real deep and understand history and context of the Bible, when you have the time to truly spend 30-40 minutes everyday studying and researching the context and history.

Benefits: Will grow your understanding for scripture and the whole story of the Bible and cultivate a love for studying

Downfalls: Can be frustrating when you don’t understand the history or context and it takes time to reach the application point

& what is it: an inductive study is an investigative approach to studying the Bible. It’s a way to learn about the bible more in depth. There are three components- observation (what does the text say?), interpretation (what does the text mean?), application (how does this text apply to life?). This method is a good way to learn the history and context of the stories you read and truly dive into what the writer is saying. It’s a cool way to learn about how the text applied to the people in the time before you try to apply it to the current day in age.

Resources: – worksheet to guide you – step by step blog walking through Ruth with you


She Reads Truth/First Five

Time it takes per sit down: 5-10 minutes

Time it takes to finish: 2-4 weeks

Season of life it’s good for: Building a study habit, getting a quick application each day

Benefits: It’s quick and easily accessible so there is no room for excuses and you can build a habit, you get to connect with a community online

Downfalls: Easy to just skim through it and check it off the “to-do list” and therefore not take it all in or truly learn and grow from it

& what is it:

She Reads Truth:

an online bible study tool through an app on your phone. You can subscribe for all the studies for just $1.99 per month or you can buy each study as you go through them for $5-$10. Each study is typically through a book of the Bible or has a theme throughout (mourning, joy, life of moses).  You read a set of scripture provided through the app if needed and then you read commentary by a SRT writer who will reflect on their personal life and then apply it out to all the readers lives. On the back end other readers can post comments, testimonies or words of encouragement so that you can build community. You can also order the study book if you prefer to study on paper rather than your phone.

First Five:

This is very similar to SRT but it is through the Proverbs 31 ministry with Lysa TerKeurst and completely free. This online bible study tool is focused on it being just 5 minutes. “We say we put God first … So wouldn’t it make sense that we give Him the first 5 minutes of each day?” To expand on the five minutes, you can purchase an Experience Guide which gives you study questions, context and history to what you are already reading on the app. Just like SRT the studies range from books of the Bible to different themed topics. My favorite part of First Five is at the end it gives you prayer points so you can pray over what you just learned.


Lifeway bible studies (armor of god, discerning voice of god, nothing to prove, seamless, the quest)

Time it takes per sit down: 10-20 minutes

Time it takes to finish: 6-7 weeks

Season of life it’s good for: focusing on a specific topic that you desire to grow in (Armor of God: fighting off the enemy, Discerning the Voice of God: seeking guidance and learning obedience, Seamless: understanding the entire story of the Bible, Nothing to Prove: knowing that you are enough for Jesus and don’t need to prove yourself to the world)

Benefits: great for growing in an area or season that you are struggling with, the layout of the study book provides an inviting space to reflect on yourself and what you are learning

Downfalls: study questions can sometimes get in the way of truly focusing on the scripture you are being called to read

& what is it: Lifeway studies are pre made bible studies that many church’s use to study together as a group. They go week by week and day by day (just 5 out of 7 days a week). Each day includes the author’s story and reflection. There are passages to read and then questions and space to reflect on the verse or specific topic.


Audio Bible

Time it takes per sit down: 5 min-infinity whenever and wherever

Season of life it’s good for: busy season with time to just listen

Benefits: Easy for on-the-go

Downfall:  Not an opportunity to journal, reflect or dive into the text if you are doing it for convenience

& what is it: A podcast on itunes that you can listen to in the car or laying in bed. It reads straight through scripture and you just pick a book of the Bible.


Treat Jesus as a friend, a pal, a buddy — He wants to spend time with you just like any other friend you have. If He had a love language (it’s called unconditional), it would be to receive quality time and give words of affirmation. I don’t know about you, but that speaks to my soul!!! Treat your plans with Him like a date – you would not be cancelling unless you absolutely had to. The more time that you give to Him, the greater impact you will feel Him have on your life every day.

“You don’t have a quiet time everyday to please God. You have a quiet time every day to remind yourself that you already please God.” -Jenny Allen

The Harrington Post



Welcome to the Club

Y’all! I get asked so often about book recommendations so I thought I would start a book club to offer up some ideas and fresh finds that I have either read or am currently reading! The way I will set this up is I will have a section of books that I am currently reading and a different section that shows what Jay has been reading (to get the fellas involved). Jay and I stand by the principle that Leaders are Readers and we want to offer insight and options for others to follow this mindset as well!

First off: a tool that Jay and I have found extremely helpful is an app called Scribd. This has become Jay and I’s favorite app of the year. Hands down. Scribd offers a monthly subscription of unlimited books right at your fingertips. This app allows you to download books and audio books right to your phone, laptop, or iPad. Seriously it is life changing. Jay and I sometimes go through two books a week on this. So download the app and start reading!

Ok back to the book club. Here are a list of the top five books I am currently reading or have read in the past few months:


How People Change by Paul David Tripp

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This is actually a book that I have had to read for my masters program (lol) but I can’t not tell you all about it. This book breaks down, from a Biblical counseling standpoint, the why behind our actions and responses to life circumstances. I am currently still in the process of reading it, but the first few chapters alone have changed how I view my responses and others responses to difficult situations. A great read for all Christians, but it may be a little bit more academic for young readers.

Sex, Jesus, and the Conversations the Church Forgot by Mo IsomImage result for sex the conversation the church forgot

My friend and I (@RileyJackson) the other day had a really cool conversation about how the church has shied away from talking about the realities of sex and sexuality in how the Lord intended it to be. In a world that is highly saturated with sexual content, material, and expectations, it is now more than ever that the church needs to speak up and show the world the beauty and intention of sex. Shortly after we had this conversation we found this book which communicated our passion about this PERFECTLY. A great read for all ages and walks of life.

Everybody Always by Bob Goff

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Okay if Im being honest I was not really expecting anything from this book because of how “trendy Christian” it was. So in saying that, I went in to it with a little bit of a chip on my shoulder but man, was I mistaken. Bob Goff is an inspiring writer that simply tells stories about his life and how Jesus has used his circumstances to teach him about God. His stories are moving and joyful. I am always encouraged when I read how Bob lives and views the life that he has. Readable for all ages and will give you a “there’s hope for this world” feel.

Love that Lasts by Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke

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I am a huge fan of the Bethke’s and much of the content that they put out. Little to my surprise, I came to love their newly released book as well. Both Jeff and Alyssa share their life journey from singleness, to dating, endeavors to the joys and struggles of marriage. This book is an easy read and really opens up the realities of shame and guilt that we experience with shame and guilt, but also pride in waving a banner of purity in comparison to others. This is a good read for all ages as well in what it looks like to strive for a healthy, Godly relationship.

Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen

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I was able to hear Jennie Allen speak last summer when I was working at camp and it rocked my world. This woman is passionate about Jesus and communicating the often forgotten truth of where our identity lies. This book is freeing for every woman who feels the weight of comparison and struggle to perform well in this success driven culture. This is a great reader for al girls and women ranging from teen to adult.


Now on to the good stuff. The following five books will be written and recommended by my wise and insightful husband Jay:



The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel

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The title of the book is some good clickbait, gripping your attention with the oxymoron. This book is not a book on apologetics, rather it is a book written towards Christians who are living parts of their lives in ways that do not correspond with the beliefs they profess – and that’s all of us. I read this book at first to use it to help someone else see an area of improvement in their life… and I came away realizing I have a bunch of blind spots of my own to deal with. Read this if you’re bold enough to understand where you’re falling short. How else will you improve?

Morning/Evening Daily Readings by C.H. Spurgeon

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Charles Spurgeon was the man. An English pastor from the 1800s, Spurgeon is one of the most well known Christian pastors in all of history. It wasn’t just his fame that is to be admired though, but his heart for the Lord. It is evident in every sentence of this devotional book, meant to stir your affections for God the minute you wake up and put your soul at peace at the end of a hectic day. Start and end each day with deep love for God, grown by these quick 5 minute devotional readings of Spurgeon.

Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge

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I know what you’re thinking: Was this one of Madi’s recommendations that got stuck in Jay’s section? Nope, it’s mine. My dudes, if you want to understand how God wired girls, this book will give you better insight than any other. Reading this gave me a first-hand look into what Madi’s heart is crying out for on a daily basis. Before I read this book, I was clueless. Afterwards, I’m a little less clueless… but have come a loooong way! And this is a great book for you females to read too, to understand why you’re feeling all those crazy ways sometimes?

Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari

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First of all, this guy is hilarious. Nuff said. This is a nice, light read for anyone who enjoys learning a thing or two about where society is at. You get some real facts and scientific insight (nice researching, Aziz!) about what dating trends are leading to and how people on average in society view relationships, but obviously with a humorous twist.

What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an by James R. White

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I had an epiphany a few months ago that I knew a lot about my own religion, but very little about other prominent one. Considering the booming growth of Islam in the world today and its projected growth over the next few decades, I set out to learn more about Islam. This book was a great starting point for learning how to relate to these people regarding what they believe and how to form friendships. For more on this subject, I highly recommend listening to podcasts by Nabeel Qureshi who converted from Islam to Christianity and dedicated his new life to apologetics on the subject.


Well there ya have it folks! Our summer picks in books. Please let us know if you end up reading any of our recommendations and whatcha think!

Happy Reading!

The Harrington Post

Meant To Be Mentored

This sweet friend that we are hearing from today was a bridesmaid in my wedding and has been a constant encouragement and sharpener to me as I navigated college. This woman strives for righteousness and following the road less traveled. One area that she is passionate about fighting for is mentorship. She has been faithful to seek out wiser, older counsel from women who have walked a few steps ahead of her in life. In her pursuit of truth, she has seen the beauty and the messiness of what it looks like to walk in close relationships with other human beings just like us striving to follow Jesus. So finally, here are her words of growth:

Q&A w/ the author:

Enneagram type- don’t know

Favorite side dish- salad

Power outfit- shorts/leggings, t-shirt, and tennis shoes

Favorite word right now- gentle (power under control)

Chris or Liam Hemsworth- Chris no question

Favorite Sports team- Football: Chiefs, Baseball: Royals

Meant to be Mentored:

New mercies like the rain. Cleansing. As I sit here and ask God what I should write I look out to see rain pouring down, I see flashes of bright light, and I hear the crashing of thunder close by. I am in the middle of a storm. Even as I write this I am realizing this storm is not just in a literal sense but also in my current day-to-day. The relationships around me seem to be crumbling and one particular relationship is battling to find breath as the waves topple over it.

In God’s Word, wise counsel is mentioned around 100 times. It’s worth noting. But more than that, it’s life changing. The relationship with my mentor is in high water. The easy options would be for me to run or act as if nothing is wrong. And I will admit I’m pretty good at those, but if I choose either one it will be to a great defeat. For the past two years this wise woman has been pouring into my life day after day. She has taught me self-sacrifice, the love of the Father, passion for the Gospel, discipline in the Word, seeking truth, and just recently, joy in the pain. About a week ago I experienced a very authentic encounter with my mentor that shook my foundation.

I saw that she wasn’t perfect. I had put a standard on her that no one could attain and when I saw that she too can sin, I gave in. I was ready to move on. Boy am I glad she doesn’t see me like that. I mean she loves me no matter what I do, and beyond that, no matter how I see her. She is authentic. She has taught me more in these past two weeks than the past two years I have spent meeting with her. She has taught me that we all have room to grow and no matter who we are and how much we strive to live for Jesus, we cannot do it alone. Her counsel has kept me from poor decisions I would have made and protected me from future hurt. Trust me on this. Before I began meeting with her I led a life of pain, hurt, sexual immorality, drunkenness, you name it. But after I began being surrounded by Christ-loving people, my life was never the same. Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.” I had no guidance, but I found safety in others because Jesus had found me. I have fallen since I began seeking the wisdom of my mentor but not near as many times as I would have fallen without her. We never reach an age where the advice of those beyond our years is no longer useful.

There is no doubt in my mind that seeking the wisdom of those older than us is in fact good. It is not easy and sometimes it’s painful. But pain can be exciting!

Now stay with me a second. It’s exciting because this pain is what Jesus promised. Jesus warned his disciples in John 16:20, “Truly, truly I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice.” He does not beat around the bush, but he goes on further to give a vision that triumphs over the pain. It’s the Gospel message. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection we have a hope that can never be taken away from us. We have confidence that just as He spoke words foretelling our current pain, He also spoke words of healing two verses later in John 16:22 where he said, “So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.” We can be sure that if the words foretelling of pain have come true then the words of healing and joy will follow.

Seek out someone who has a thirst and hunger for God. They will see you for who Christ has made you to be because they have an understanding that comes from walking with the Lord. Those times you ran away from God, those times you thought you were all screwed up, they will not define you anymore. Leave the broken pieces behind and know that you don’t have to do this alone.


-Hope Kunkel

The Harrington Post



The beauty of community.

This term and concept is thrown around a lot, especially in Christian circles. We are always “looking” for community or say things like “they just don’t have community” or “they just have the best community.” So I looked up what the word community means and you wanna know what one of the definitions said?

A feeling of fellowship with others

So if this is, in fact, the actual definition. This feeling of fellowship could be fluid and more specifically transcendental. In saying all of this, I want to try something new. I want to use this platform of a blog to create a form of community or even fellowship. I have asked and am continuing to ask many men and women to help me in this task. I want to pull from a network of missionaries across the world and hear their stories, struggles, joys, hurts, cares, and simple life lessons they have walked through. I am starting a series called


You, my dear friend, are not alone. We weren’t meant to cry alone and we weren’t meant to laugh alone. We were meant to walk hand in hand in our pursuit towards Jesus. My intention of this series is hopefully for you to see that you are not alone and that we are fighting together. We are fighting the lies of this world and the enemy that so often tries to skew our vision of what is true. What we are not fighting for is love and freedom – for we already have them in Christ. I want to remind you of this truth. As a Christian.

You. Have. Already. Won.

He has already won and he will continue to create victory in you. Each person that will goes appearing on this blog will come with the intention to say

dear believer we have hope.

The first of our guests will be posted in the next few weeks and will continue from there with people of different ages, genders, topics, and walks of life. But the one thing they will all have in common is their goal:

To glorify the name of Jesus and to pursue Him with every ounce of us that we have.

Join me? We weren’t meant to do this alone.

The Harrington Post



My love language is gift giving. I absolutely love receiving gifts. When someone goes out of their way to bring me something that shows they were thinking of me, it makes my heart explode. It’s funny that this means so much because on the flip side, something that I have always struggled with is materialism. Image can easily become everything to us in this society. In a culture that screams “Take more than you give” and “Only give when you have excess,” it’s hard not to give into this mentality.

Recently I have been so convicted on how much Jesus calls us to give fervently and abundantly. The whole notion of giving has come up in my quiet time for the last few days and every time it does I’m stuck thinking

oh God please don’t say what I think you’re going to say

and that is just the honest, ugly truth. Here I am living as a missionary, being fully funded by our support team, whose faith I can’t even fathom, and I’m cringing at what Jesus is calling us to do regarding generosity. Does anyone relate to me in this?

In a social media era and a progressive culture of work and wealth, sometimes we never even realize how essential Jesus makes giving in the Bible.

17 And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. 19 You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’” 20 And he said to him, “Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth.” 21 And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 22 Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.

 -Mark 10:17-22

This passage hit me hard. If that isn’t me, I don’t know what is. We so often strive to hold up an image by “doing all of the right things” but cringe when a homeless person approaches us asking for money. It has been pounded in our heads to believe that the only time we are to give is when someone can eventually return the favor. So what would happen if believers liked to bless others more than they liked to be blessed?

32 “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 33 Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. 34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

-Luke 12:32-34

We are stewards of the kingdom of God. How often do we view our money like this? In Acts we see the church living this out by selling their belongings and distributing the proceeds amongst those who need it. The Bible says that

they were lacking in nothing

How revolutionary would this be for those who are not Christians to look in and see Christians who are actually, physically, and joyfully loving one another to where we were lacking in nothing. Huge. It would be so countercultural that people would have to notice. Let’s give beyond what we know we can do comfortably. Rather than looking for our next present, let’s choose to actually be stewards in the present with the people and gifts that God has already given – gifts that are his pleasure to give to us.

*anthro bag is a gift to @Kenzi (HBD) (get excited)

**photo edits by @Eamon u the man

The Harrington Post



The Harrington Home

Many people have been wanting to see what we made of our little apartment so I thought I would show you guys some pictures and details for home inspiration!

Jay and I had an absolute blast making our apartment the home that we both loved. We really wanted to find the perfect balance of modern for both genders. Although we incorporated various styles, much of what we pulled from was a midcentury modern look with hints of boho and farmhouse themes. SO here’s the full tour of our house!



We wanted Jay to have more of a masculine side of the room and myself more of a feminine side (can you guess which is which?).


If you guessed this being my side then you are correct! I wanted the simplicity of a candle, small plant, and my essential oil defuser to be displayed. For a fun touch of color I displayed my blue Hunter rain boots (an easy way to consolidate shoe space and find a cute way to use them).


For Jay’s side, we added a globe and bigger plant with some geometric shapes. The pictures hung up on the wall were actually decor that Jay made (and by Jay I mean @LindsdayScanlon) for our engagement when he proposed!


This photo was created by our wonderful wedding photographer @TJStansbury ! I was so giddy when we got this in the mail.


One of my favorite things from our registry we received was this mirror from Target. It’s the perfect size for our wall. The H hooks were also a registry gift from Anthropologie!

The Living Room


A few of my favorite things about our living room consist of our large vintage rug from Target, our Anthropologie vase, and our Moroccan pouf from (Morocco..?) @DanielleMartinez. Samantha also decoratively places herself on the couch daily.


Our wall is by far my favorite part of the living room. Many of the decorations are (surprisingly) from Target including the clock, mirror, square board, and shelves. The picture of Jay and I was given to us by one of his groomsmen @CalebJones, who took the picture for us in an engagement shoot.


To the right of our wall we have vintage ladder that we found at a thrift store, which became a cute and practical way to hold blankets!


On our coffee table we have a few magazines, our marble coasters, and our new wedding album! (another shoutout to @TJStansbury)


This is probably Jay’s favorite part of the house, because we basically built it! We wanted to have a coffee bar in the house for a place to just work and read. We stained a large piece of wood and added copper bars to hold it up. The barstool chairs were a gift from (also peep the strawberry plant Jay really wanted to buy because “It’s practical”)


Our little bookshelf is packed with way too many books. We got the lamp at HomeGoods.


The Dining Room


This is an example of our midcentury modern and farmhouse blend. We got our dining room table at IKEA and our chairs were shipped in from Amazon! It’s hard to see but on the other side of the table we have a antique white bench that we found at a thrift shop.

The Entry Way


Much of this was practical storage cubes from Target that were trendy but also gave us a lot of room to put much of our stuff in near the entry way.


The Bathroom



I love putting personal touches while decorating. I did this with the H mug on the sink and by placing Jay and I’s perfume and cologne on the counter. Our towels (once again from Target) are also my favorite towels I’ve owned thus far!


The Kitchen




The main theme of the kitchen is copper. I have fallen in love with all things copper. Our copper canisters were a registry gift from Anthropologie and our copper kettle was also a  gift from TJ Maxx.



We hope you enjoyed the little tour of our new home! We have absolutely fallen in love with it and hope maybe we could have inspired some home decor choices for you as well.  Come visit us soon in Montreal!

•The Harrington Post•